We all live with the objective of being happy; our lives are all different and yet the same.
-- Anne Frank

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Going Into Hiding

March 4, 2012

Dear Diary,
         "The events of today still flash over, and over again in my head. The panic, the lonesomeness, and fear still attack me even as i try to sleep. Today was the day I decided to go into hiding. I'd received a call-up earlier on. That moment I felt my blood run cold, and my body numb. I lived with no one other than myself. They would be able to capture me easily, but only if I let them. As difficult as it was, I willed myself to move and prepare to leave.   Other than what I had on then, I took five changes of clothes, all of which I also wore and disguised underneath an insulated jacket. I figured the bulkiness of other jackets would arouse suspicion. I wore my over-sized fishing boots and wool socks and stuffed them with preserved fruits, fish, oats and with bread. When that food ran out, I'd used the fishing line and hook I brought with me, to catch fish and matches to cook it. In times where making fires weren't an option, I brought a knife, and hid it in my undergarments, so i could slice the fish and eat it raw.       Water, I'd distill by heating it up then putting it in a foldable leather sac to cool. I wear a blonde wig If I ever I have to go outside.I think the blonde wig would make me look less suspicious and immune to random searches. I haven't gotten caught so far, and I don't plan to either.      I didn't bring a flashlight. I solely rely on sunlight, starlight and a fire's light. I brought a journal with me and tied it to my stomach. Its a pretty big journal, but I write extremely tiny inside of it so it will last.  Maybe praying and fasting will help ration the food, and pass the time.      I can't sleep because at every snap or creak I hear my eyes shoot open, and I'm instantly on alert. I hope I can calm down tomorrow."

Written in the point of view of my imaginary character Aloisia who was a Jewish woman in hiding during the Holocaust.
Blonde Wig
Insulated Jacket

Fishing Line

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